The best measure of our success is the extraordinary range and the high level of ambition of destinations and course options chosen by our students.

This is the acid test of our claim to provide a fully tailored guidance programme in which every one of our students finds her own unique pathway. The list below summarises destinations for our 2023 leavers.

For some students, a GAP year – for work experience or travel – is the best immediate option and we are very happy to help our leavers with post-qualification applications through UCAS. We also ensure we have the most up-to-date information about international applications and apprenticeships, so that our students have the complete picture of possibilities as they make their choices.

Subject University
Business and HRM University of the West of England, Bristol
Business and Management Oxford Brookes University
Business Management University of Brighton
Business Management with Law with Foundation Year University of Law
Chemistry University of York
Children’s Nursing University of Manchester
Criminology Manchester Metropolitan University
Criminology and Psychology City, University of London
Criminology with Foundation University of Surrey
Education University of Nottingham
English Literature Oxford Brookes University
Fashion Manchester Metropolitan University
Fashion Marketing and Management Bath Spa University
Food Business Management and Marketing Newcastle University
Geography Oxford Brookes University
Geography (Human) Bath Spa University
Geography and International Relations Oxford Brookes University
History University of Bristol
History and Politics University of Liverpool
International Relations University of Exeter
International Relations University of St Andrews
International Relations and Organisations Leiden University
Law University of Nottingham
Law University of Leicester
Medical Sciences Pre-Med University of Buckingham
Medicine University of Manchester
Medicine University of Leicester
Medicine University of East Anglia
Medicine University of Leicester
Microbiology with Foundation University of Reading
Music Durham University
Philosophy and Politics University of Leeds
Political Economy King’s College London
Primary Education with QTS University of Roehampton
Psychology University of Sussex
Psychology University of Essex
Spanish and International Business University of Westminster
Theology, Religion & Philosophy of Religion University of Cambridge


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